I'm fundraising for a great cause!

HI All,
My name is Ana Maria. I am holding again my annual fundraiser event to awareness for Mental health.
I have decided to fundraise for R U OK? to help spread their message and help prevent suicide.
Over the last two years we have been able to raise just over $33,000 toward mental health awareness. All funds are donated to research and ongoing resources for mental health where it can affect anyone at home or at work.
About 8 people take their own lives in Australia every day.
For every death, it’s estimated another 30 people will attempt suicide.
89% of people report knowing somebody who has made an attempt.
I want to help change these numbers.
R U OK?’s vision is of a world where we are all connected and protected from suicide.
Their mission is to inspire everyone to meaningfully connect with the people around them and support anyone struggling with life.
By inspiring people to take the time to ask, “Are you OK?” and listen, we can help people who are struggling with life to feel connected long before they even think about suicide.
Thank you so much for your support, together we will make a difference.
Love to have you come along and come together as a community to check in on one another as we all know life gets in the way.
Love Ana.
Event Information
Wednesday 11th September 07:00 - 22:30Bella Vista
My Achievements

My Updates

Good Company that keeps us going!!
Wednesday 4th Sep

My Journey
Thursday 22nd Aug

July 2024
Monday 29th Jul Howdy All,He has helped me find my way on ways to action on panic attacks, down days, negative thoughts.
The last 9 months or so has been a challenge again for me, by understanding more and more about the curve balls that have been thrown at me and how i have to juggle it by living on your on, putting a roof over your head, focusing on your health, focusing and progressing in my career and finishing some big goals with the business.
So together we can continue being there for our love ones, even if they do not mention what is happening around them but also seeing the signs to say hey I am coming over and we are just going to hang. That means alot more to anyone than you know.
Thank you to my Sponsors

Ana Maria Acevedo

Ana Maria Acevedo (dinner Fundraiser)

Peter K
Wishing you well always!

Rossella Garofano
A worthy and important cause - keep up the great work Ana!

Nikita Kesha
Love this x

Dawn Hillier-davis

Nadine Jones

Tracy Rundell

Peta Edwards

Kim Ong

Ana Maria Acevedo

Ana Maria Acevedo

Jay Maguteswaran

Ravikumar Dharmaraj
Hey bommu

Sanjana Dayal

Annabelle Nguyen

Rebecca Herrmann

Yanina Acevedo

Michelle Ner

Evelyn Nazareth

Nathan Connor

Rhonda Zealand

Ana Maria Acevedo

Woolworths R U OK? Day