Helen Schutz

Pub to Pub Join Us

Pub to Pub

Beautiful Fit is having a walk from one pub up the hill to another.

We are walking from the Ed in Mitcham to the Stirling Hotel in Stirling.

We have done this walk before and this time decided to make it a fundraiser to recognise member Amanda who lost 2 special people within a month.

Her childhood friend Sophie, and her cousin both took their own lives.

We are asking each walker donate $30 (minimum, larger amounts welcome too!) and this includes a champagne or soft drink on arrival at the Stirling Hotel. 

You are welcome to stay for lunch at the Stirling, this is at the individual's cost.

Afterwards, you can walk back or grab a ride (best to organise before hand).

The walk is about 12kms, and 2.5 hours. The steepest part is at the start when we leave from Brownhill Creek, and lasts about 10 minutes.  Half is on grass or dirt track and the other half is on the bitumen of the old freeway.

I have decided to fundraise for R U OK? to help spread their message and help prevent suicide. 

About 8 people take their own lives in Australia every day.

For every death, it’s estimated another 30 people will attempt suicide.

89% of people report knowing somebody who has made an attempt.

I want to help change these numbers.

R U OK?’s vision is of a world where we are all connected and protected from suicide. 

Their mission is to inspire everyone to meaningfully connect with the people around them and support anyone struggling with life.

By inspiring people to take the time to ask, “Are you OK?” and listen, we can help people who are struggling with life to feel connected long before they even think about suicide.

Thank you so much for your support, together we will make a difference.

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Love your Anchors.

Wednesday 13th Oct
There are so many reasons to do this walk.  To be a part of the fundraising,  to promote good mental health, and draw light to the tragic subject  of suicide. 

My personal reasons are to highlight the incredible power and importance of self love and acceptance. 

Since my teens I have grappled with a myriad of mental health issues.  
When I am at my lowest, the truly dark days, I visualise the ones who would be  affected the most by my actions, my choices and they become my anchors. 

Michael,  family, friends, the amazing people I support, my garden and  my biggest anchors - my beautiful boys - Noah and Isaac. 

My love for all of these incredible people/place's will never abate, but maybe , just maybe, this is the year  that I finally accept that I should try being my own anchor.

If we were to acknowledged that we are worthy, we are enough, we do matter-  then maybe we could be our very own grounding  anchor- ready to love, support and comfort.…  

With the help of organisations like RuOK  breaking down the stigma of mental health, opening up conversations and shining a light on it, there is an abundant  supply of loving anchors, who really do care if  U R ok. 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Noah Schutz


Helen Schutz


Alice And David


Julie Grydt

Enjoy enjoy enjoy wish I was there with you huggles