My Activity Tracking
My target 400 kms
400k’s for R U OK?
R U OK? Day has always been important to me, from hosting well being days with my best mate at my old work, to raising money through morning teas it is one day of the year I really focus on what I can do to help. This year I am going a little bigger.
Between August 1st and September 9th (R U Ok Day 2021) I am committing to running 400 kilometres. (Approx. 10km per day), you can follow my journey through my donation page or on the app Strava. Which I will link in a few days.
About 8 people take their own lives in Australia every day.
For every death, it’s estimated another 30 people will attempt suicide.
89% of people report knowing somebody who has made an attempt.
I want to help change these numbers.
R U OK?’s vision is of a world where we are all connected and protected from suicide.
Their mission is to inspire everyone to meaningfully connect with the people around them and support anyone struggling with life.
By inspiring people to take the time to ask, “Are you OK?” and listen, we can help people who are struggling with life to feel connected long before they even think about suicide.
Thank you so much for your support, together we will make a difference.
The Link to donate is in my bio.
Lots of love,
Josh xx
My Achievements

My Updates

Day 2: 11kms
Tuesday 3rd Aug 11kms clocked today - slower pace - nice easy, did a lot of thinking on this run about where I have been and where I see myself going.
5.7kms on day one
Monday 2nd Aug Day one down. I did 5.7km.Thank you to my Sponsors


Go go Josh!


Damien Kolbas-williams
I’ve followed your 40 days closely, reading your struggles, your highlights and am proud to know you! You’re a bloody legend!

Shane Harrington

You got this babe, only 117km to go. Beyond proud of your achievement, both in distance and in your progress. You're such a superstar, we're all very lucky to have you in our lives xo

Great work!!


Mike Galvin
Great work Josh, all the best for it. Mike

Colin Crowley


Natasha Wilson
Look at far you have come! You got this babe xxx

Jessica Eccles
Smashed it, you should be so proud! X

Angelique Lazzarin
Run Forrest, Run!!! xxx

Noc & Peds
Bloody Legend 🤩 you are an inspiration Josh. Breaking through barriers both mentally & physically. The body will heal and the mind will grow with a contued focus on your goals. What else is possible 😜

Dan And Paul Down The Street :)
you’re a bloody legend mate - well done!! Very happy to support this cause

Josh M - Runners Donation
This is for those who have ran with me during the course of this challenge. Thank you all so much xx

Grace Douglas
So proud of you!! A very worthy cause xx

Steph Swain

Chris Noyce
Great cause mate!

You’re doing amazing! Love your work X

Sandy Radhakrishnan
Almost there! Keep going!!!

Tyler Moore
You're doing something special here, I'm proud of you. Keep those legs pumping 💪❤️❤️

Nice work babe, keep it up xo

Chris Ford
You’ve got this mate. Make one of those days the 440 pls ;)

Thanks for doing this. We need this help and the tough time we’re leaving in proves it.

So proud of you my beautiful boy x

Aaron P

Arron Orlando
Loving your work!

Melissa Kostrin
So proud of you! This is no easy challenge you have set for yourself and such a worthwhile cause. Amazing work!

Mala - Juan
We’re so proud of you, keep doing it !! You are an inspiration to others . We love you

Ashwin Nair
What you’ve done is so remarkable, you should be proud of yourself!!

Sally Wong
Nice one Josh! Go get'em last 100kms

Michael Ruescher

Great cause, great effort, great man - BOOM!

Well done Josh!

David Vaughan
Really impressive feat Joshie and such an important cause.

Alexander Philp
You’re doing great sweetie!

Matt Webster
Good Stuff Josh!

Mat Buckley
Keep werkin <3

Deepak Khanna
well done mate - top effort

Ben Delorie

Matt Papas
Amazing thing you’ve done 💕

Awesome effort with this Josh! You're on the home stretch now 🙌


Kendra Kostrin
Thank you.

Travis Conneeley

Paige Hawkins
Well done Josh! So proud of you xx

Sally Carr
So proud of you Josh

Will Cooper
So proud! Keep up the great work!

Julia Bageski
You are one of the most authentic souls I’ve crossed paths with 💓 grateful for you x

Brodie Roper
We lose too many good people to suicide, keep on spreading awareness you beautiful human xxx

David Parsons
Get it Gurl!

Carrissa Rouse Poljanic
I love you!

Jaimi-lee Borrow
Solid effort for a good cause x

Love you and love this cause Joshy!

Maggie Mcnab
Go on Joshy, you legend. This is fantastic and what a great way to raise awareness.

Nikola Moore
So, so, so proud of you!!! You are unbelievably amazing ❤

Nella Falero
Good on you angel xx

Tom & Ami Xxx
Amazing mate, smash it!

Daniel Barraclough
Proud of you boo! x

Marisa L
Love you!!!! Get it babes x

Vincent Wang
For the boy with a heart of gold out there trying to save the world

Troy Mantle

Phil Cook
Nice work, Josh! Plenty of time for a few marathons!

Ryan Holmes

Justin Scenna
Good on ya mate


Peter Grasevski
On ya Sonya

Sam Ma Chong
Get it boy! x


What a bloody legend you are! Always shining a light to those in need and never really knowing it. Keep up the good work cutie patootie! #RunForrest

Rozalyn Blake
Goooo Josh!!

Doing such an amazing job 😘 Less than 100kms to go.. YOU GOT THIS X

We love you! So proud x

Kevin Azzopardi
You’re amazing!


Travis Mcmurray

Keep the great job


Rhiannon Gysen

Angela Bowne
Well done Josh!

Keep going joshy!! So proud of you. Cait x

Scott Rouse

Sammy G
Proud of you 💛🧡💚

Nic Kaiko

Thanks for being so open and honest. You’re amazing!

Yasmin Vought
Thank you for raising awareness. 🤗

David Vaughan

Great job Josh!

Garry Lewis
Congratulations what an achievement!

Shannon Molloy

Mark Grant

Amy Brown
Amazing job Josh! Good luck with the rest of your journey!


Ross Cooper

Jacqui Bloomfield

David Vaughan

Jodie & Kurt Hill
Congratulations on your fundraising. Love your work Josh! Hope to meet you to say hi when the Darlo Darlings can have another event 😊

Good on you mate!!

Keep up the good work! Proud of you! Xx

Caroline Bradley
You go gir

Bob Mansini
Good luck mate! Too much running for me

Love your work sweetie

Nathan Collett

David Michael
🏃♂️ 🏃♂️🏃♂️


Anthony Jaworski
Stay the course big Neddy, you're doing super!

Matt Dean
Good work joshy

Jamie Carl

Maria Pullan
You’re smashing it!!!!

Emily Gilks
Keep going strong well done babyyy!!! ♥️

David M
Well done mate!

Mat Jones
Amazing work Josh! Best of luck with the remaining kms!

Francis Baldinu
Run Forest run.

Dan Rushton

Hugh Catterall
Good onya fella. Great cause.

Tori X
Run baby run 😘


Ben Cheong
Bloody awesome cause, and holy crap I can't believe you will be running that much.

Get it sis x

Tommy Ford
Congrats, an achievement on many fronts 💪

Thank you Josh for your Incredible inspiration , I’m immensely happy to hear your story, I’ve found my way out of alcoholism throughout lockdown, I too came literally to the edge of the cliff in Vaucluse, I love seeing hope restored in people like you. Go Josh XX Meg Ps I’m unemployed so I can only give a tiny bit XX

Robin Carter
Keep up the amazing work

Hayley And Rob
I am so proud of you. Your doing an amazing job. Love you well done

Deborah Eschebach
All the best Joshua.

Dani Thomas
You go girl 💕

Craig Jost
Go you good thing! X
Keep up the amazing work mate!