Noss's Fundraiser

By Noss Brunus Join Me

I'm fundraising for a great cause!

I've always grown up with the mindset to help others and I want to start somewhere, why not mental health?. Everyone has been affected by it and everyone know someone who has been affected too.

I'm also starting a twitch to create a community to do future fundraising ! 
Anyways I really am just devoted to make an impact on others lives in anyway I can.

R U OK? is an organisation that is close to my heart as without the difficult conversations R U OK? aims to inspire, I may not be around today. R U OK?’s vision is of a world where we are all connected and protected from suicide and that is something I can whole-heartedly get behind. After a very successful but smaller event I held earlier in 2020, I now aim to spread the R U OK? message to a wider audience in the hopes that more lives can be positively impacted such as mine has been and furthermore continue to reduce the stigmas associated with mental illness.

By inspiring people to take the time to ask, “Are you OK?” and listen, we can help people who are struggling with life to feel connected long before they even think about suicide.

Thank you so much for your support, together we will make a difference.

My Achievements