Phil Hodge

For Mathias Join Us

For Mathias

22.03.2023 - The day that changed our lives.

For my little brother Mathias, life became too hard to live. A kind, smart, fit and empathic 21 year old that chose to end his own life. Every day me and my family miss him and wish things had turned out differently. We can't change what happened in our family but through my fundraiser I wish to raise funds and spread R U OK?'s message to help prevent suicide. 

About 8 people take their own lives in Australia every day, a crazy figure!

I am Norwegian and when my brother died I travelled back to Norway to attend the funeral and spend time with my parents. When leaving Australia I cancelled a running race I had been training for, my first backyard ultra. Through all the tears and heartbreak of the sudden loss of Mathias I thought let me at least still do this run by myself when I get back to Australia, and while I'm at it, lets raise some money to wards suicide awareness and support. 

So help me raise some money for this amazing cause and follow me as I push myself to my limit, running laps for my dear brother. 

Forever in my heart

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