I'm fundraising for a great cause!
I have decided to fundraise for R U OK? to help spread their message and help prevent suicide.
About 8 people take their own lives in Australia every day.
For every death, it’s estimated another 30 people will attempt suicide.
89% of people report knowing somebody who has made an attempt.
I want to help change these numbers.
R U OK?’s vision is of a world where we are all connected and protected from suicide.
Their mission is to inspire everyone to meaningfully connect with the people around them and support anyone struggling with life.
By inspiring people to take the time to ask, “Are you OK?” and listen, we can help people who are struggling with life to feel connected long before they even think about suicide.
Thank you so much for your support, together we will make a difference.
My Achievements

My Updates

In memory of John Sipidias
Tuesday 8th Feb In October of 2021, we unfortunately lost someone truly amazing by suicide.Thank you to my Sponsors

Total Amount Raised At Event

Raquel Farah

Tom Thelma Kristen Sipidias
Forever in our hearts❤️


We love you

Pat And Vince
Keep raising awareness beautiful… You got this 💪🏼xo



Top Snap South East
Fantastic work on the fundraiser Raquel, we hope it's a huge success x

Z And C Melhem
Great initiative Raquel!

Goran, Jamie, Dean & Ben
Cherished and loved. Forever in our hearts ❤

Bassem Farah
Love you

Chafic Melhem
Keep it going cuz. Your have done an amazing job. Love you.

Fof Donations

N And B


Ryan Godfrey

Bianca Mazzocchi
Big love ❤ You're always in my heart

Natalie Siebel
Sending you all the love, what a great cause ❤️




So much love to your entire family. Thank you for raising awareness!

Barata Family
We love you. ❤

Mjnr Pty Ltd



Sharni Malady

Rich A

Hays Sleiman


Meral Bozan

We love you

Forever in our hearts 🙏 May his beautiful soul rest in peace ❤ Louie and Lourdes Mrish xoxo

Ashlea Mackertich
All my love xxx

Charlene K

Christine Farah

Faten Qunqar

Leigh Redfern
I knew Jonny through Bjj he was a pleasure to be around a guy who you sore and he made you feel glad you knew him. May the family find peace and remember his infectious smile .

Mel Sa
RIP John 🙏🏻 Forever in our hearts 🙏🏻🌹 great fundraiser towards a life changing cause. Amazing work Raquel!

Kevin Suliman

Bec Steele
Always in my thoughts.xx

Nina Younan


Corey Pais
Sending love to Raquel, Rodney and the entire family. May John rest in peace and have his life celebrated and his legacy and impact on the world live on x

Emir Ali Yenilmez
Love you guys!

Debbie Burns
Raquel you are such an amazing woman, your strength and courage is just wow. Love always shicken xxx And l hope everyone that attended last night still have eardrums... you're singing has not improved xxx

Rita Mawal


Gayle Simpson
Proud of you girl! ❤️

Madhava Di Florio

Sam Mansour
God bless you Raquel from Sam & Carly Mansour

Cassandra Loiudice
You are doing an amazing job! And I know John would be so proud of what your doing! 💕💕

Stradbroke Printing Group
Lots of love Paul and Cassandra

Marie Page

Mary Haddad
So proud of you beautiful! Sorry we couldn't make it tonight. Sending you lots of love 💗 Mary Haddad and family

Nicole Bp


Simon El Hakim

Amy S
Sending love and strength to Raquel, Rod and your family and friends. John sounds like an amazing human being. xx

Isabel Abdulnour

Emily Holmes
Sending all my love ❤️


Natasha Fraser

Catherine K
Wishing you all the best with your mission to inspire people to be aware, to respond, and to connect.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! Everyone who has supported this event and fundraiser page has been an absolute champion!!! Clearly every little bit helps when all the small donations total up to this outstanding amount!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!! 💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️ -Committee Members