Battling mental health may be blind

By Amy Livermore

My Activity Tracking


My target 1000 kms

I'm fundraising for a great cause!


It’s no secret that I am passionate about mental health, growth and evolving. I am an advocate for breaking the stigma around it and bringing light to the topic. Therefore I am opening up to you all about a time in my life where I could barely keep my head above water. Although I was battling my own mental health, I seemed fine. And that takes me to the point that, when we look on Instagram at our friends it can be so deceiving. Our friends look happy, they’re travelling, they are starting a family, they are living their best life, when in reality they could very well be suffering. So with that being said, I’m sharing this part of me with the hope that it will not only help one or more of you feel less alone, but will also show you that someone can seem happy, but feel absolutely broken inside. People can be struggling and no one would even know. 

So what do we do about this? How do we know if someone is okay? 

✨WE REACH OUT ✨to our close and far friends. 

It’s important for me to express this though, when reaching out, rather than wanting to know “what’s wrong”, use phrases like “did you want to talk about it” “have you had time for some self care?”. This is much better for you and the other person. This is because it not only allows them to choose whether they want to talk about it, but it also doesn’t leave you emotionally drained and overly stressed about something you may not be able to fix for them. As people we often take on other people’s worries. And what do they say? You can’t save someone else on a sinking ship without your life jacket on first. 🌼 it’s important that you are ok too 

On that note, I am taking part in a fundraiser to raise awareness about MENTAL HEALTH through the R U OK foundation. I’ll be walking 100km this month with havi 🚶🏼‍♀️👶🏻 normally this would be an easy task but because of my fear of COVID, it will be a challenge. However I will do it for a cause so important!

My link is in my bio if you would like to donate. 

And always know, im only a message away. Never be afraid to reach out đź’›

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors



Good work Amy!!

